Friday, April 8, 2011

Ang & Jess.

First, I'd like to dedicate this post to my readers who have lost their grandparents. I lost two years ago, and I know the day I loose these two my heart will be broken.

Where to start? Finding the right words to describe how much I love my Grandparents is going to be quite tricky. But oh well, let's give it a go. Meet Arcangelo & Jessie. I guess the best way to describe them would be Italian Oompa Loompas from South Philly. NOT. KIDDING. In their prime my Grandmom was a solid 5'0" and Grandpop about 5'4". Sadly for them, but AMAZING for the public, they're both down to a wee 4'6". Short they may be, but at 91 and 92 they be KICKIN'. Ang & Jess enjoy a stiff Martini, a good game of Chocolate Bingo, a round of Blackjack, and a night of dancing. ( Angelo is the DJ for their Senior Center.) After 67 years of marriage they are still very much in love and very much insane. Being in their presence is inspiring and always entertaining.

My Grandparents have touched the lives of every single person around them, and I think it's only fair they touch yours. I'd really like to introduce their story to you in stages, so consider this a meet & greet.

Below are some pictures I snapped of them today pre Blackjack. A sharp 2:30pm arrival for a 3pm game. I guess when you're that old you really have no reason to be late...

Grandpop & Grandmom.


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